Saturday, October 20, 2018

an electric blanket memory

It's Autumn. It's getting cold.  It's time to put the electric blanket on the bed.  And it's time to remember a little story that still makes me laugh when I think of it.

Many, many years ago,  I worked as a teacher's aide at a wonderful middle school in Glen Rock, PA. The teacher was my friend Glenda Penigar, and we worked as reading instructors. I loved working at that school, with those kids, and with that amazing faculty.

Glenda and I did a lot of functional reading lessons with the kids.  One day we were teaching the kids to read catalogs and order merchandise.  Part of their lesson was to order gifts for friends, family, and their teachers.  Then they had to total up their costs and correctly complete the order form.  To exercise their writing skills, they needed to explain why they selected the particular gifts for each person. Glenda and I were gifted many household appliances.  But, I remember how one of the boys ordered an electric blanket for me.  His reasoning? He decided that since Miss Snyder was all alone she needed something to snuggle up with and keep her warm at night.

So, as I put my electric blanket on my bed, I remember that story from 40+ years ago.  And I chuckle.  I can see the kid's face, but I can't remember his name.

This is a teacher's life.  Kids stay with us forever.  They warm our hearts as well as electric blankets warm our bodies.

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