Thursday, September 4, 2014

Back to School Snit

I'm in a snit.  Yes, I know I promised myself to not write when I'm feeling snitty, but this wouldn't be the first promise to myself that I've broken.  I'm in a snit, and you get to hear about it.

I am so angry with the Harford County Council that I am beside myself.  They recently voted to increase the salary of the County Executive  by 25%.  Why are they giving him such a generous raise?  Because they can.  Because they want to. Why does he "need" such a raise?  Well, dear readers, it's because he hasn't had one in a long time. I mean seriously, how can one live on $105,000 per year? And hey, they didn't pass the bill giving the council members big fat raises, so what are we complaining about?  As Billy Boniface has said, the county executive is not paid nearly as well as many neighboring county executives.

Try selling that to the teachers of Harford County. Teachers have been denied raises and step increases for six (or is it eight now?) years.  For six years their contracts have been ignored.  For those six years, the cost of living has increased, health care costs have increased, taxes have increased...why, the teachers in Harford County are earning less now than they did six years ago.  Yet, the governing board of this county pats itself on the back claiming they have done their part and it is up to the school district to manage its money.  Teachers are leaving for better paying counties.  The cream of the crop graduates avoid Harford County for neighboring districts that pay better.  Are all the teaching positions (especially math, science, and special ed) filled by highly qualified professionals? They weren't, the last I read.  That is not doing your job.  That is not how you show you care about the education of the children of Harford County.  You tell us that education is a number one priority when you run for office.  I call bull!

I will agree, however, that the Superintendent of Harford County needs to work a lot harder to distribute the money that the school district receives.  She won't do it by adding more admins to the fold.  She won't do it by cutting support staff.  She won't do it by ignoring contractual pay scales. And she sure as hell won't do it by charging kids $25 for each activity that they wish to participate in at school.  Thus the crux of Rant, Part II.

I am so angry about the fee collected by Harford County for kids to play sports and join clubs.  Was there any accounting to the public of how much money was collected and where it went?  Was there any consideration about adjusting the fee, and by that I mean lowering it, according to its effect on the students of Harford County.  Good grief, this county pays a bundle for tests and assessments - who's assessing this fee? Where's the data proving this is a good and necessary fee? 

I am a teacher.  Yes, I am a retired teacher, and every time I open my mouth to criticize Harford County, I hold my breath that they don't start chipping into my retirement benefits.  But, first, I am a teacher.

Kids need extra-curriculars!  They need clubs where they feel their interests are important.  They need sports for the physical benefits as well as the ultimate benefit - a possible college scholarship.  Seriously, how dare the school district charge kids $25 a piece to participate in a community service organization?  And don't try to bullsh*t me with the old we don't charge the kids on free and reduced lunches because they can't afford it.  Guess what!  Your middle class families can't afford the fees either.  How many kids are being denied such an important part of a public education because of this policy?  I can't answer that question. Assessment-happy Harford County hasn't gathered? released? any data.

Yes, I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.  Oh wait.....yes I am.  Because I can't do a darn thing about it, and those of you in charge know it.

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