Friday, May 16, 2014

Barbara Walters is Retiring

I've watched Barbara Walters all my life.  I think she was a real pioneer in the news world who threw open the door to serious women journalists.  She's retiring today, and she sure knows how to throw a celebration. Right now I'm tearing up as all the female television journalists influenced by her gather to honor her.

I envy her the retirement bash she's having.  After thirty years of teaching middle school children, my career ended with a fizzle instead of fireworks.  That year I'd lost about two months of school due to a broken leg.  My mother died.  I was not up for celebrating.

I'd had intoxicating plans for Ms. Snyder: The Final Tour  (which, of course, would have to wait until after state testing).  One thing I wanted to do was a book of my students' writings that I'd planned to bind for our school library.  I wanted to do a showcase presentation of students performing their original poems, stories, skits, etc. accompanied by food, decorations, and important guests. I'd hoped to make those last few months so creative that the kids would remember that particular language arts class for years to come.  I almost considered staying another year so I could do The Final Tour with the next group of students. Almost being the key word. :-)

Then, I wanted to host a bonfire in October.  I'd planned to have it catered (food is always important).  But most importantly, I wanted to invite all of my former students and their families to join in the fun and to bring any papers they may have held on to for burning in the fire.  But, I broke that same leg again in July, so .... no bonfire for me.

This is the season for retirements.  I hope everybody who retires has a wonderful experience.  I hope they are honored at parties.  Remembered for their good works. Joined by loving family and friends.  Celebrated like Barbara Walters!!

No matter how a career ends, the next step in life will be enjoyable.  Retirement can be great. While I may not have been able to kick up my heels at the end of my career, I do recognize and celebrate every day of health and freedom that I experience in retirement. People tell me I look younger; but well-rested is probably more like it. Whatever happens, I feel lucky to be retired.  I know many people who probably won't experience this luxury as the economy dictates they will need to work the rest of their lives just to survive. And that's a damn shame.

If you are retiring, do like Barbara Walters.  Celebrate your career.  Remember the good times. Enjoy the kudos.  Do not worry about how you will fill your days.  They will fly by, and you'll wonder how you ever got anything accomplished while you were working.

Congratulations on your retirement Ms. Walters!  And for any of you teachers getting ready to retire, invite me to your bonfire.  I still have papers that need to be burned.