Another Halloween is approaching and once again, I need to figure out what to wear. Some adults I know are excited by this challenge. My lawn mower guy is dressing up as a Rubic's cube for his daughter's Halloween parade. He was describing the intricacies of his costume as my eyes glazed over. If it can't be done with the ubiquitous black dress then I don't want to hear it. For the past two years, I've gladly donned my favorite costume - Magenta from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Sadly, I am under orders to leave Magenta in the costume box this year. After days of brainstorming whether to go as scary or funny, I have finally decided what to dress as this year. Let me describe the costume to you, and see if you can guess.
I have a very patriotic red, white, and blue dress. With it I will wear two campaign buttons. One will say, Impeach Obama. The other will say, 'Murica - Love it or Leave it. I'll wear a blond wig in a sort of beehive shape. No, I won't be dressing as a Baltimore Hon, but that was a good guess. If I'm lucky, I'll locate a colonial tri-corner hat before Saturday. In my hand I will carry a fancy tea cup with a couple of tea bags in it. Got it now? Yep, this year I am dressing as a member of the Tea Party.
I opted to go for scary.
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