Today I had the misfortune of catching part of a Maury Povich show before heading off to Zumba. What is wrong with a society when determining the parentage of a child is fodder for a television show?
I do not get these people. Not for one minute. How can these women come to a public forum and debate over which of the six or so men they slept with is their child's sperm donor? Where is the shame? Where is the common sense? Where is the birth control? Where is social services?
One of today's women was a reasonably attractive lady who was determined to convince her thug boyfriend that he was the father of her son; after all, they had "planned" to have a baby. Kevin was trying to blame his brother David for fathering the child. The woman was screaming, cussing, head shaking, finger pointing, and posturing like a tough guy. The man was sputtering about the slutty woman, that fat slob who was also sleeping with his brother. David, the brother, looked bemused. When the paternity test revealed thug boyfriend to be the daddy, David did a "Rocky-type" victory dance while Kevin dramatically stomped off stage. However, the couple was soon crying and hugging, probably foreplay for the next baby they were going off to create. I'm sure thug daddy is no closer to providing child support after the show than before the show. And the baby? the poor little baby? Frankly, I believe the child was just a tool for the drama of the "parents." I am so disgusted.
It got worse! A seventeen year old young man had six women claiming to have mothered his children. His mother was on the show defending her perfect son and engaging in a shrill screaming battle with the two mothers who skipped school that day to be on the show. When Baby Daddy was asked why these women were accusing him, he replied in words to the effect that he was so good looking they just wanted a piece of him. Oh barf. Of the three babies tested, "only" two of them were his. However, there are three other babies out there that may be his. The new grandmom's reaction? Son, you gotta stop doing this. Big. Fat. Duh. Oh, and the lucky public will get to tune in to future shows when Maury DNA tests the other three young women. Do people get paid for being on this show?
Sigh, it got even worse.
Derrick, da man, was on the show to prove that Kathy's and Tammy's children were not his twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth. Supposedly he preys on fat women with low self-esteem. Supposedly these women were helpless victims of his charm. Supposedly these women believe he should be stopped by someone. (Insert my derisive laugh here.) Maury just loved toying with Derrick. He referred to Derrick's penis as a weapon of mass destruction. Derrick puffed up at that comment. Then he teased Derrick about knowing the names of all of his children. Derrick just chuckled and replied he knew most of them. Well, Derrick may be a pig, but Maury is every bit as big a pig. Irresponsible procreating is nothing to joke about, Maury. And it certainly doesn't make "da man" any kind of a Real Man. Derrick turned out to be father to only one of the two children. He is not financially supporting any of his twenty-eight children. Not one.
With all the money Maury makes from exploiting these people, in my opinion, he should be forced to cough up some child support!
This show is disturbing enough, but what is really sickening is that Maury does this shame (pun intended) show five days a week. He's been on for years. And he doesn't seem to be running out of guests for his stage. Nothing changes. Nobody learns. No child is helped in any way.
The next time someone says they don't believe sex ed belongs in the schools, watch a Maury show. Is anybody talking to these young people about birth control? Sexual responsibility? Anybody? Schools need to get real about sex ed and deal with the issues facing young people today. I don't think teachers are the best equipped to handle the emotional and complex societal issues related to teens and sex. But that's what other organizations like Planned Parenthood are trained to do. Bring them into the schools to talk honestly and openly with the kids. Excuse your kids from the program if you find it so offensive to your values. But teenagers are having sex. Girls are having babies in the hopes of cementing a relationship or having someone to love them unconditionally. Boys are making babies to show off their manhood or simply because it feels good. Abstinence is not working!
I think the Maury show is disgusting. It glamorizes a situation that is far from glamorous. In my opinion, it is child abuse. What does it take to get him and others like him off the air?
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