Easter Musings
by Kallie Longest Lyons (Notes) on Sunday, March 31, 2013 at 8:03am
Nine years ago in the darkness of Easter Sunday morning, I received a phone call. In disbelief I listened as my sister told me they thought my Mom had stroke so they took her to the hospital. Instead it turned out to be a highly malignant brain tumor that would take her life just three weeks later at the age of 55.
The hospital chapel had been filled with lilies when I got there so that smell still bothers me greatly. For a long while, I hated Easter. It was hard to rejoice each year on what had become one of the worst days of my life. My Mom was dead. Dead! I found out on Easter and so Easter was bad. That's how it translated in my head. I went through the motions each year, but the whole while, I hated it.
Then several years later as Easter approached, a memory from the hospital came back to me. The neurosurgeon had come in to speak to all of us and at one point looked at my Mom and said, "I am so sorry, Laura, but there is really nothing we can do for you."
Mom just smiled at the doctor and said, "That's ok. I'm going home." Thinking is was the tumor making her a little fuzzy he said, "Laura, you can't go home today." She smiled indulgently at him and said, "Not that home..." and she pointed at the ceiling, "...THAT one!" There was nothing he could say to this and he just smiled and walked away.
When this memory came flooding back to me, I realized how silly I had been. My Mom was dead in this world yes, but very alive in the next because of the sacrifice Christ made on the cross all those centuries ago. She was ALIVE there and someday I would be too! I WILL get to see her again.
In that moment, Easter shifted in my head. It is even sweeter than before my Mom's death because in Easter, I have the assurance that I will be with her, my baby sister that I never knew, with my grandparents, my aunts, uncles, cousins and two nephews. What a family reunion that will be someday!!
So if you are missing a loved one today, know as I do that they are alive in Christ. THAT is the promise of Easter! And that is why we celebrate today!!

My lovely Mom on one of our hikes.