If you follow the Chinese New Year calendar as we at the Snyder household are wont to do, you will realize that tomorrow marks the start of the Year of the Snake. Normally, I note the year and go on my way. But, if you are turning sixty in 2013 (as many of my classmates are) this is our year.
The Snake in Chinese culture does not share the evil connotation of Christian culture (you know, the bad guy who enticed Eve to eat the apple). Instead, the Chinese see the Snake as intelligent, graceful, and materialistic. Snakes are sexy, wise, and deep thinkers. We are charming, romantic, strong, and like to be in control. We are intuitive and discreet, and very analytical in our decision making. Snakes love books, photography, music, fine clothes, good food, and luxurious surroundings. On the not so flattering side, we are judgmental, conniving, lazy, capable of telling big lies, and not open to constructive criticism. Snakes make good teachers, lawyers, scientists, magicians, jewelers, investigators, and writers. If you're a Snake, you don't want to marry a Tiger, but you're ok with a Rooster. We'll only settle down once we've met our soulmate; otherwise Snakes are flirty and easily distracted.
My sister is currently housesitting the Chinese exchange students at the private school where she works. The girls were so excited to learn that I am the Year of the Snake. In order to have a lucky year, they told me that I had to wear all new clothes today. And my underwear had to be red. So last night, in the snow and sleet, Billie and I went to the store to get me some new threads. Billie has yet to stop laughing about my red coconut holder. Today I will be decked out from head to toe in my new finery because I am taking no chances with having a bad year. (Been there, done that, it is NO fun.) I am ready.
And that fellow/sister Snakes is why I am writing this blog. I want you also to appreciate the gloriousness of being a Snake. And, I also want to send you out into the world to get that brand new red underwear which will insure your future happiness.
Gong Hey Fat Choy!!
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