It doesn't help that I noticed them last night, or early this morning, at 2:00 am. Yep, dragging out the ladder at 2 am. Shining the flashlight on the ceiling at 2 am. Finally taking a sleeping pill at 3:30 am because I am too worried to sleep and can't get "Danger Will Robinson" to stop ringing in my head.
The internet is the next best thing to asking a husband what's wrong. One can actually google "tiny round holes in a stucco ceiling" and get results. Of course, those results make one ready to move into a hotel, but they are still results none-the-less.
I either have wood boring beetles, wood boring carpenter ants, wood boring bedbugs, wood boring wasps, or the dreaded wood consuming termites. Yes, as I innocently go about with my daily life, a pestilence plague is devouring my house. Scary, huh?
I will call in an exterminator. I will fill my house with poison in order to destroy the little
And maybe if there is any justice in this crazy world of homeownershit, I'll have enough money left over to spend the time it takes for the treatment to work on a little beach in warm, sunny Mexico. my dreams.
FYI, my husband wouldn't be concerned at 2am. But he is almost as good as the internet when it comes to figuring out things like that. Just not between the hours of 9pm and 6 am. That would fall under my responsibilities.