People say they support trump because the economy is good. I need to question that. Yes, the stock market is booming. But how many of his small town supporters even benefit from the market? My economy is not booming. Gas prices are steadily rising. Health care and insurance, out of sight! Have you been in a grocery store lately? Prices have skyrocketed! Garages have instituted payment plans for car repairs. Everybody I know is in shock over their recent heating bill. My real life economy is not prospering. Everything I pay for is increasing dramatically. My income, though, is frozen. That's the reality of my economy. Thanks for nothing donald.
Abortion is a big, big issue with most of his Christian supporters. It's been a year; have you seen him focus seriously on stopping abortion? No! What Republicans are proud of, are their efforts to defund Planned Parenthood. What idiots! Contrary to popular propaganda, Planned Parenthood is not "94% abortions." (Sen. Orin Hatch) The actual statistic is 3% of their services involve abortions. Unwanted pregnancies are not going away. And Christian tsk-tsking is not going to stop women from taking unsafe measures to end these pregnancies. I personally know a number of women who are vehemently anti-abortion; however, they conveniently forget that they had safe abortions when they felt they had no other choice. Defunding Planned Parenthood means denying health care to poor women. But, that is no surprise as trump supporters seem determined to deny the poor any government services. This link will take you to a Washington Post article exposing the myths behind Planned Parenthood. Copy and paste to read this truthful piece.
And speaking of morals, abortions, sex and so on, who can accept the fact that we have a president whose immorality is a matter of pride to him? How are the same Christians supporting him as the anti-abortion president content to ignore his documented immoral behaviors? He has bragged of assaulting women because he's so rich and powerful he can do whatever he wants. This is documented! He has cheated on his marriages. Stories abound of his perverted carryings on with prostitutes. He has been accused of molesting minors. This is the president of our country! Political careers have been ruined by stories of far less evil behavior, yet he remains unscathed. This is what you want representing our country? This is the role model you want for the youth of our country? That kind of behavior leads me to wonder just how anti-abortion old 45 really is. Just saying....
trump supporters try to tell me he is not a racist bigot. He was raised in the home of a member of the KKK. Family values being what they are, it is easy to see what has made him what he is. He wants to build a ridiculous wall to keep out "those dangerous hombres," the Mexicans. Yet, he opens the doors of Maralago to white Russian women who want their anchor babies born in the USA. He strives to make our citizens fear Muslims, persuading his supporters they are all terrorists. He convinces his supporters that dark people are dangerous people. Yet, he remains rather quiet about white men who shoot blindly into music concert crowds or drive cars into predominantly anti-trump protest marches. His attitude is everything. He is a racist, and his obvious racism encourages a violence that we haven't seen in a long time in our country. I have confronted trump supporters about his racism and their support of him. They are indignant! They refuse to denounce his racist acts. They become furious with me! How dare I imply they are racist! Yeah, how dare I?
The lies! Google trump+lies and there are pages of listings documenting the trash that spews from his lips. He has admitted to telling lies, and then laughing about it as if his words were a silly prank. He's on video telling his lies. However, he'll complain to the people he is being maligned by "fake news." He answers any questions about his traitorous behavior with the two words, fake news. His admirers believe him. The news is biased against him. The news lies. Granted, one must be discerning as to what constitutes the news, but if CNN is good enough for the world, it is good enough for me. One of the techniques Hitler used to bring about his regime was to discredit the people seeking to stop him, the news reporters. Holocaust survivors are still here to witness to their experiences, and they will parallel trump's disregard for the law, his attempts to discredit the media, and his fear mongering to Hitler's rise to power. Santayana has said, "Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it." As I watch ICE shred families, I remember history. I remember Nazi Germany. I am frightened for America.
I have barely touched the surface of my dislike and distrust of the faux president of our country. His tumultuous attempts at a cabinet. His universal dislike among other leaders of the world. Except Russia. Russia!! His rantings and ravings voiced in the vocabulary of an elementary school child. As I debate whether-or-not to suffer through the blowhard's State of the Union Address, I remember how many people I know who thought they were doing the right thing by putting a non-politician in office in the first place. Some have come around and see the damage he is doing. Others brag that he is shaking things up and he is just what America needs. Think about such logic. Would you want an inexperienced non-teacher educating your children? How about someone who learned everything he could about medicine from "Grey's Anatomy." Would you feel confident with that person treating your cancer? Experience is important! Yet, we have given our country over to a habitual golfer who lies about his education, who has bankrupted many of his businesses, who has cheated on wives, contractors, and anyone else in his way, who tweets like a scorned teenager, who ignores the Constitution, who throws temper tantrums, and who embarrasses this country on a daily basis.
If you still support donald trump, I don't get you. I just don't get you. If you support 45 by starting any sentence with, "But Hillary..." I don't want to hear it. She is not the face of America, so don't go there. Don't tell me we have to agree to disagree, because I don't have to do any such thing. I will not be silenced in my attempts to wake up America. On this day, the day of the State of the Union Address, I challenge you to actually think for yourself, research the daily stories, and don't just sit back in blissful ignorance. We are in dangerous times, and we can't make America great by being blind to lies, hate, racism, the NRA, big business greed, and so on and sadly, so on.